Chemical Engineering and Technology | Porton Pharma Solutions | CDMO

Chemical Engineering and Technology


Chemical Engineering and Technology

Porton’s Global Chemical Engineering & Technology (GCET) center serves as a synergistic, interdisciplinary platform designed to efficiently support process R&D and the manufacturing of diverse drug substances (DS) and drug products (DP). GCET’s technical expertise encompasses several fields, including Particle Engineering, Computational Chemistry & Data Science, Material Science & Engineering, Catalysis & Reaction Engineering, and Process Engineering. Led by a diverse team of subject matter experts (SMEs) with extensive experience from leading global pharmaceutical companies, GCET’s technical specialists employ high-impact scientific and technical methodologies to overcome bottlenecks in DS and DP process R&D and manufacturing. This enables them to provide global drug development clients with high-quality and efficient technical solutions.

    Reaction Engineering

    Reaction Kinetics


    Reaction Simulation

    Reactor Design

    Reaction EHS

    Process Engineering

    Separation Processes (Column, Extraction, Distillation, Membrane, Filtration, Drying, etc.)

    Process Simulation

    Process Equipment Selection

    Continuous Process (Design & Control)

    Scale-up / Production De-risking

    Particle Engineering

    Controlled Particle Formation

    • Crystallization
    • Precipitation (amorphous)
    • DS-DP Co-processing (composite)

    Controlled Post Processing

    • Filtration, Drying, Milling, etc

    Material Science

    Solid Form Screen

    Solid State Chattelization

    Preformulation Evaluation

    Phase Relationship

    Structure Elucidation

    Computation Chemistry & Data Science

    Transition State, Reactivity and Selectivity Calculations | UV, IR, Raman and NMR Spectra Predictions

    Modeling of Phys-Chem Properties, Drug-Polymer Miscibility, Impurity Rejection

    Virtual Screens of Crystallization Process Solvent, Co-Former or Counterion

    ML-based DoE Process Optimization | AI/ML Data Analysis & Suggestion

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