Strengthening Corporate Governance in Comprehensive CDMO Solutions

Enhance Corporate Governance

Porton's Board of Directors' Strategy and ESG Committee serves as the highest level of decision-making for ESG work, with the ESG Executive Committee established as the management level for implementing ESG work. ESG Working Teams are set up according to material topics to form a top-down ESG governance and management structure of “governing level - management level - execution level”.

Governing level

Board of Directors' Strategy and ESG Committee

Explore and analyse ESG trends, risks and opportunities.

Provide guidance and develop ESG goals, strategies,frameworks and management policies.

Monitor the progress of ESG-related management,performance and goals.

Review ESG-related reports.

Management level

ESG Executive Committee

ldentification and decision-making: Manage materialESG-related issues.

Guide relevant departments in identifying key issuesand develop specific ESG-related work plans and goalsbased on the Company's ESG-related strategic goalsand work plans.

Organisational and resource support: Provideorganisational and resource support for ESG work toensure its implementation.

Performance management: Develop and regularlyreview and assess key ESG performance data.

Execution level

ESG Working Team

Implement the goals and plans determined by the ESGExecutive Committee.

Develop management measures and work plans basedon issues for which it is responsible to continuouslyimprove performance.

Support and cooperate in the communication withstakeholders such as customers, investors, suppliers,regulators, and communities on ESG performance.

Operation compliance

We strictly abide by economic, environmental and social laws and regulations, follow the principles of law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness, and conduct responsible business.

Business ethics

We continuously assess and respond to the risks of ethical business practices,conduct anti-fraud related training for employees every year, and strictly follow accurate ethical business practices in our business activities with customers, suppliers and other partners.

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