Corporate Governance at Porton Pharma

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

    Mr. Nianfeng JU

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

    Mr. Yinchun BAI

    Senior Vice President and Chief Operation Officer

    Mr. Hui CHEN

    Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


One of the three Co-founders and De-Facto Controllers of Porton since 2005


EMBA of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Department of Chemistry of Sichuan University


General Manager of Porton Jiangxi and Executive Director of Yuyang Pharmaceutical, responsible for the operation and management of Yuyang and Jiangxi sites

Project Manager, Shanghai Zhanyu Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Technical Director and Production Director, Shanghai Zineng Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.

Production Dispatcher, Jiangsu Dongtai Chemical Fertilizer Plant


MBA, Nanchang University


Chief Financial Officer, Reistone Biopharma

Chief Financial Officer, Wuxi STA

Deputy Director of Financial Analysis, WuXi AppTec

Financial Analyst, Intel Products (Shanghai)

Electrical Engineer, State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company


MBA, Fudan University

    Mr. Po ZHU

    Vice President

    Mr. Fengping WANG

    Vice President

    Ms. Wei PI

    Vice President and Board Secretary


Vice President in charge of purchasing, logistics, intellectual property

Director, R&D Department, Taiji Group Co., Ltd.

Engineer, Fifth Workshop and R&D department, Chongqing Southwest NO.2 Pharmaceutical factory Co., Ltd.


Bachelor degree in Fine Chemicals, Sichuan University


General Manager of Porton’s Changshou Manufacturing site

Production Supervisor, Dow Chemical

Assistant Plant Manager, DuPont

Production Manager, Bayer


Double bachelor degree in Polymer Chemicals Engineering and Industrial Enterprise Management, Tianjin University


In charge of Porton’s General Manager's Office, Board Office and Public Affairs Department

Senior Manager of Company Listing Department, NetDragon Websoft Holdings Ltd.

Office Manager, Ports Asia Holding (Hongkong) Ltd.


Capital Market Program, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)

Master of Corporate Governance, The Open University of Hong Kong

Bachelor degree in English and Law, Dalian Maritime University

    Mr. Qi CHEN

    Vice President


Head of QA (GMP/GSP), Ji Xing Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

AsPac Regional Head of Supplier Quality (SQ), Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd.

NPD Manager, Chemwerth Pharmaceutical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Process Development Manager, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd.

Manager, Peptide Synthesis Dept., Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Master of Biochemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University

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